The properties are brought in the Design's '<prp>' node subnodes, as well as in the sub-nodes of the node specified by the <toc> node attribute 'prp' (used with Multi-TOC). Empty nodes refer to the default value.

Property Meaning Use1 Default value Comments
name user name G <obtaining name> Program saves changes
mail user email2 G <obtaining email> Program saves changes
title browser title G vrManual html tags allowed3
wtoc TOC pane width % G 20 limits: 10...50
icon TOC terminal item icon GA S "?" is another option4
fext topic files extension GA html
head TOC heading GL Web Help html tags allowed3
foot TOC footing GL <Program signature> html tags allowed3
open opening topic name GL 1st topic can be non-TOC item5
path relative path to topic files L <Design directory> value without / means prefix
item TOC selection prompt L prp attribute value multi-TOC only
urls URL slug separator G <empty> used for SEO6

1 Usage legend: G - '<prp>' node, L - '<toc>' attribute 'prp' node, A - topic node attribute.

2 Used by the Program for messaging. Allowed replacements: @ - (ätt), (att), (at); . - (dot), (dt). For example:

3 Html code cannot simply be put into the xml node. Use the entities for special characters ('&', '<', '>', '"') or the entity numbers (see this source). Another option is to place the html code between <![CDATA[...]]>, for example:

<![CDATA[vrManual 1.0 &nbsp;&copy;2011 <a href="">Hareko</a>]]>

An example on how to place your logo on the TOC head:

<![CDATA[<img alt="" src="yourlogo.gif"/>]]>

4 See The icons for TOC icons.

5 Welcome-topics are not included in the TOC and are visible only during start-up or clicking on the TOC's heading.

6 The value must start with '?' or '#' (see ).