Create a topic html file for each TOC section. File names and extension are determined by the Design (see ). You may use a simple text editor similar to Notepad but some html editor is recommended. Make sure to use UTF-8 encoding!
Place the topic's contents into a standard shell (see ). Use the html tags (headings, paragraphs, lists, inline styles etc.) in the body text for formatting. The topic’s title must exactly match the corresponding TOC section’s title.
It is a good practice to use css instead of inline styles. You can add a style tag into the head of a particular topic's shell or insert a css link’s tab for global styling (place the css file into the start-up directory and specify its name in the href). Please make sure that the class names do not coincide with the names used in the Program shell’s css (view the browser source). For an example, consult the section's source on using your own styles.
You may add a JavaScript functionality to the topics. Your script should not conflict with the Program’s scripts running in the parent scope. For an example, view the section on using your own scripts.
You can add the link tags <a>...</a> into the topic's text. The links can be internal (referring to another topic) or external. The program converts external links so that they are opened in the browser’s new tab/window. For example:
<a href="">W3Schools</a>
will be converted into
<a href="" target="_blank">W3Schools</a>
You can specify internal links as usual (href must match the topic name & extension and the 'path' property, see ), for example:
<a href="usrg.html">User Guide</a>
Or specify Internal link as an anchor (name must match the topic name), for example:
<a name="usrg"></a>
The program automatically converts such anchors into the usual link and adds the topic’s title (in case of a blank anchor). The advantage of an anchor-based internal link is that there is no need to worry about the correct href value and section name. In addition, you can also add the name of the usual anchor to the anchor-based internal link:
<a name="toct#icons">The icons</a>
While specifying usual anchors, please follow that it's name does not match any topic names.
You can use external image links (<img>) or place images into start-up or a topic’s subdirectory and specify their usual internal link.